Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Dusting off the cobwebs.

Oh Hey!
I have not blogged in over 20 years! Well that's at least what it feels like.
- Busy with Uni
- Busy with being sick (Plenty of post coming up on sickness/pain and tips and tricks for dealing with)

Sooooo to get my blog back up and running I've chucked in a few instagram images of things I've been up to :)
Insta: @reneeallen_
Feel free to follow!

Winter weather only means one thing... Boots!       I recently went in for a gastroscopy and treated                                                            myself to Krispy Kreme afterwards.
 Back at home we got a new kitten, most gorgeous      Little collection of nausea meds & 
 thing ever!                                                                                painkillers 

                                Loveeee Melbourne!                       Coffee all day every day.

                          Melbourne Grand Prix 2015.             Bad stomach pain day :(

Much love,
- Renee xxx