Saturday, 9 March 2013

Style Sunday | Miley Cyrus

Happy Sunday!
Now I was one of those kids that absolutely loved watching Hannah Montana growing up so basically that just makes me a massive Miley Cyrus fan.

I adore her fashion sense and love her ever changing look. Lately she chopped off her lushous locks and sent everyone freaking out going OH MAH GAWH MILEY YOH LOOK LIKE DRACO MALFOY WOT HAV YA DONE GURL!?
At first I didn't really like it, but tbh I really love it now! :)

Here is one of her more sophisticated looks and one of my favs. I love the shoulder length tousled look with the ombre effect.

When her hair was brunette and long was def my fav!

I absolutely love her street style! So hear are a few of my favorites from over the years....

So I hoped you liked this little style sunday :)

I'll be taking suggestions for next week style sunday, so comment who you would like me to do one on! I'd loveee to do one of your suggestions :)
Have a great week.

-Renee xxx


  1. She has a great sense of style though I am not feeling that hair do. I am guilty of watching HM too!

    Be great if you could check out my latests outfit posts: Givenchy Rottweiler & my Boohoo Global Styler entry.

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  2. Hiya, i love your blog so I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, check out my blog post if you're interested in taking part, thankyou!

  3. Hiya, I love your blog so I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, check out my blog post if you're interesting in taking part, thank you xxx

  4. She is such a style icon! I actually like the new hair, Its so edgy and so far from Hannah Montanna! What I'd do to look like her though :P
    Marwa x
